speaking, every human has got mates, one way or another, depending on the
circumstance; could be age-mates, school-mates, class-mates, room-mates, and so
on; but however related, mates often have or share something in common either
in time or place.
Individuals often tend to measure and quantify their progress or level in life at any point, using the progress or level of some or all of their mates as the yardstick for the measurement. This is often as a result of the need to meet up or belong and also the insatiable nature of humans; which consequently becomes the foundation for unnecessary comparisons and unhealthy competitions between individuals.
Though healthy competitions are sometimes necessary to motivate individuals to seek for greater heights of accomplishments in their field and not to settle for good, when the best is attainable; but the problem is when the comparisons are done based only on material possessions acquired and not on the level of positive impact made on lives. This would often cause an individual to be willing to do just anything not withstanding if it is for or against God's will for him, just to meet up with the level of his mates and not to be left behind; with a belief that the end will justify the means; and depending on the path the individual decides to take, he is never aware of its end until it comes upon him suddenly. Just as the Word says; “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Not every way leads to life. Any way which is not God’s way may be leading towards death!
Consider this! The fact that you met up with some strangers in a bus while on a road trip, and then became friends and also alighted off the bus at the same bus stop does not necessarily make your actual destinations the same.
Everyone's destinies and purposes in life are as different as the differences in each one's finger-prints; and as long as you're yet to find your fingerprint-mate, your destiny remains unique to you and you have no life-purpose-mate!
Individuals often tend to measure and quantify their progress or level in life at any point, using the progress or level of some or all of their mates as the yardstick for the measurement. This is often as a result of the need to meet up or belong and also the insatiable nature of humans; which consequently becomes the foundation for unnecessary comparisons and unhealthy competitions between individuals.
Though healthy competitions are sometimes necessary to motivate individuals to seek for greater heights of accomplishments in their field and not to settle for good, when the best is attainable; but the problem is when the comparisons are done based only on material possessions acquired and not on the level of positive impact made on lives. This would often cause an individual to be willing to do just anything not withstanding if it is for or against God's will for him, just to meet up with the level of his mates and not to be left behind; with a belief that the end will justify the means; and depending on the path the individual decides to take, he is never aware of its end until it comes upon him suddenly. Just as the Word says; “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Not every way leads to life. Any way which is not God’s way may be leading towards death!
Consider this! The fact that you met up with some strangers in a bus while on a road trip, and then became friends and also alighted off the bus at the same bus stop does not necessarily make your actual destinations the same.
Everyone's destinies and purposes in life are as different as the differences in each one's finger-prints; and as long as you're yet to find your fingerprint-mate, your destiny remains unique to you and you have no life-purpose-mate!
If God must make you the richest man in the
world to fulfill His purpose for bringing you on earth, He will surely do it
even without your help; your job is to depend on Him, and not to help Him speed
up the process.
God does not see your mates and it’s no use asking Him to look at them. Your achievement of His purpose is more important to Him than any so-called achievements of any so-called mates. "If God is the source of your purpose then God must remain the source of all the resources you need for its accomplishment!"
A wise man once said 'Life is in phases and men are in sizes'. An understanding that individuals, though physically mates in one way or another, have different destinies as predetermined by God their Creator, whose idea of mates is never determined by material possessions, but by the individuals' readiness based on their faithfulness in doing well whatever their hands find to do, and using correctly any provisions God makes available to them at different points in time, and most importantly, God's purpose and timing for their lives. The Word says; “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?”; “…the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”; “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Remember! For the fulfillment of the purpose of God for Moses' life, Moses had to leave the wealth and affluence he was enjoying in Pharaoh's palace; and for the fulfillment of the purpose of God for Joseph's life, Joseph had to enter the palace; and they both had to pass through their process of training in accordance with God’s timing. They never had to force their way into their destinies, they only kept doing that which they knew was right in the sight of God, where ever they found themselves, and in due course, God used them to fulfill His purpose.
Therefore, it will only be a display of ignorance to compare oneself with a mate, especially if it’s based only on material possessions.
God does not see your mates and it’s no use asking Him to look at them. Your achievement of His purpose is more important to Him than any so-called achievements of any so-called mates. "If God is the source of your purpose then God must remain the source of all the resources you need for its accomplishment!"
A wise man once said 'Life is in phases and men are in sizes'. An understanding that individuals, though physically mates in one way or another, have different destinies as predetermined by God their Creator, whose idea of mates is never determined by material possessions, but by the individuals' readiness based on their faithfulness in doing well whatever their hands find to do, and using correctly any provisions God makes available to them at different points in time, and most importantly, God's purpose and timing for their lives. The Word says; “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?”; “…the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”; “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Remember! For the fulfillment of the purpose of God for Moses' life, Moses had to leave the wealth and affluence he was enjoying in Pharaoh's palace; and for the fulfillment of the purpose of God for Joseph's life, Joseph had to enter the palace; and they both had to pass through their process of training in accordance with God’s timing. They never had to force their way into their destinies, they only kept doing that which they knew was right in the sight of God, where ever they found themselves, and in due course, God used them to fulfill His purpose.
Therefore, it will only be a display of ignorance to compare oneself with a mate, especially if it’s based only on material possessions.
Though, God never called His children to a
life of poverty and mediocrity, yet His main aim is to ensure the full
fulfillment of His will in their lives as long as they surrender completely to
Him and let Him direct their lives.
The truth is; there is nothing that the Devil can give to a man that God did not plan to give him even much more. The Devil’s way often seems easier, faster and even better, but ultimately leads to destruction; but God would rather walk one through the required process and steps, one day at a time, leading one to true fulfillment in life.
The truth is; there is nothing that the Devil can give to a man that God did not plan to give him even much more. The Devil’s way often seems easier, faster and even better, but ultimately leads to destruction; but God would rather walk one through the required process and steps, one day at a time, leading one to true fulfillment in life.
of striving to meet up with mates, rather strive to meet up with God's
standards in all of your doings in life, and every other thing will surely be
added, as God had purposed. Just as the Word says; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you.”
Therefore, from God's view-point; you have no mates in life, and that understanding would save you a lot of unnecessary anxiety and worries. God chooses, empowers and uses anyone He pleases, by His grace and mercy, often based on one's faithfulness; mates or no mates notwithstanding. The race of life is a personal race; the only person you are in competition with is yourself. When you are running on someone else’s lane, you are likely living someone else’s life and you may end up losing your ultimate prize. The purpose of God for your life is as unique as your finger-prints, and you may not discover it while all your attention is focused on how far your mates have gone.
Therefore, from God's view-point; you have no mates in life, and that understanding would save you a lot of unnecessary anxiety and worries. God chooses, empowers and uses anyone He pleases, by His grace and mercy, often based on one's faithfulness; mates or no mates notwithstanding. The race of life is a personal race; the only person you are in competition with is yourself. When you are running on someone else’s lane, you are likely living someone else’s life and you may end up losing your ultimate prize. The purpose of God for your life is as unique as your finger-prints, and you may not discover it while all your attention is focused on how far your mates have gone.
pray a prayer motivated by envy of mates, rather let your prayers be motivated
by your understanding of God’s Word and the uniqueness of God’s purpose for
creating you.
worrying about your mates, because you have none!
Nice Day Friends!
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