Spirited Word - “Fighting Temptations!”

The temptations of life are real, and every day we are faced constantly with one temptation or another, with a choice to either do what is right in the sight of God and forfeit the temporary gain or to do what is wrong against God’s commands and gain the momentary material benefit or emotional gratification. Everyone can be tempted and no one is invulnerable to temptations; but coming out as a victor or a victim of a temptation is predetermined by one’s level of preparedness both mentally and spiritually before the time of the temptation.
The temptations of life come either from the enemy, the Devil (sometimes using humans), or from God. But there is a world of difference between the temptations from God and those from the Devil. The Word says; “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” And the Word also says; “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”
God is just and does not do evil, neither can He be tempted with evil; so also He does not tempt anyone to do evil, and so He should not be blamed when one falls for a temptation because of one’s own lustful desires. The Devil tempts to cause one to rebel against God, but the temptations of God are never targeted at causing harm, rather they are often trials of the believer’s faith, to purify and strengthen his heart’s trust in God; just as with Biblical Abraham and Job. God’s temptations always tend towards righteousness, not iniquity; and He not only provides a way of escape for the believer, but He also never tempts him beyond the strength He gave him can bear. God would not tempt a man to steal or to commit adultery when He clearly stated in His Word that it is a sin; but He may tempt a man with a temporary situation of lack or delay in His release of a blessing or miracle.
Facing temptations is not a sign of weakness but falling for it is! The Word says; “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” You don’t overcome temptations by waiting for the day it comes, rather you overcome temptations by being rightly and fully prepared before the day it comes.
The Devil is also called the Tempter, he tempts with his suggestions and deceptions, to make the believer doubt God’s Word and disobey it; and no one is exempted from his temptations. He also tempted Jesus by diverse methods and Christ overcame all; so also we can overcome all, only if we know how. “You can’t claim to be good if you have never been tempted to be bad!” The victor is crowned after the battle, and not before! “Your mind is the battle field where you fight the daily war of temptations!”
Using the example set by our Saviour Jesus Christ, below are four (4) ways to overcome the enemy’s temptations as Jesus did:
1. Have a working knowledge of the Word of God and utilize it as your major weapon of warfare against the Devil’s temptations; just as Christ did when He replied, “It is written…” to the enemy’s initial three temptations. “You are defenseless against his temptations if the Devil knows the Word better than you do!”
2. Some opportunities can be temptations in disguise, watch out for such. When those folks wanted to make Jesus a king by force; that was another of the enemy’s temptation to derail him from fulfilling God’s purpose for His life. Beware! “An opportunity is a temptation, if it will cause you to lose concentration on what should have your most attention!”
3. The voices of friends/relations can also be the voice of the Devil. When he spoke through Peter, Jesus’ close disciple; Jesus replied; “Get thee behind me Satan!” “When he is after you, the Devil will use every usable means and speak through every usable voice from any available body!” Beware, and maintain a sensitive spirit always.
4. Know your purpose/assignment and remain in it. Jesus never consciously walked out of the place and scope of his assignment to the Jews only, even when the temptations came. “It is easier to stay out of a temptation than to get out of it!”
An effective way to overcome temptations is not to fight it, but to ignore it, because the more you try to fight it, the more it gets a stronger hold on your thoughts and emotions and consequently your actions. Always be the manager of your mind, monitor your media intake and control your imaginations. Refocus your attention to that which is right in the sight of God and never depend on your ability, but depend on God’s Holy Spirit in you, and you will always overcome. The Word says; “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.”
Temptations are not meant to destroy us, but to teach us the fear of God; and in Christ Jesus, You are an overcomer!

Nice Day Friends!

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