Ever been jilted by someone you
sacrificed your all to love? Know how it feels when the one you love the most
spends the most time loving someone else? Or how it feels when the gift you
freely gave from a good heart is being used against you?
That is how God feels when we reject His priceless love shown through Christ Jesus His only Son; when we use the gift of free-will He freely gave us, to do and live against His own will.
That is how God feels when we reject His priceless love shown through Christ Jesus His only Son; when we use the gift of free-will He freely gave us, to do and live against His own will.
A dictionary defines ‘jealous’ as:
demanding exclusive loyalty and faithfulness or adherence and obedience.
The Word says "...for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God..."
God is not just jealous, His name is Jealous; Jealousy is not just the nature
of His personality, it is also His identity!
The Word also says that “God is love!” So, God is not just a
lover, He is love; and if love is who God is and not just what He does, then
you can be sure that no one can love better than He does; and if the greatest
Lover is also called Jealous, then you can be sure that no jealous lover can be
more jealous than He is.
But why would God be so jealous
someone may ask? The answer to that is not far from His Word: God will never
share His glory with any man or any man-made god, and any attempt to do such
may not only incur His jealousy but would also kindle His anger which often
results in destruction; just as He did with the children of Israel in the
wilderness. God created the earth and all its inhabitants including man, to
show forth His glory and not to take His glory.
He is jealous when His glory is
given to or shared with someone else or something else. He is jealous when your
loyalty is not to Him who made you but to a man whom He made. He is jealous
when your trust is not in Him who is the Creator but in that which He created.
He is jealous when the one you will be faithful to, can be anyone except Him. He
is jealous when you seek counsel and advice from everyone else, but will never
ask for His view on the matter. He is jealous when He has given His most
precious gift of His only Son to die to redeem you from sin and death and
reconnect you back to fellowship with Him, yet, you willingly reject His gift
and keep doing and living against His will. He is jealous when He wants you to
be His true child and hear you call Him ‘Father’, but you would rather go your
own way and remain rebellious to His instructions. He is jealous when everyone
else and everything else gets their own share of your time, but He hardly gets
any, even when He asks for it. He is jealous when you only want to use Him to
get all you want but will hardly let Him use you to get done all He wants done.
He is jealous when He expects you to love Him back after all the love He keeps
showing you, but you rather give your love to someone else or something else. He
is jealous because He loves you too much and does not want to lose you. He
protects you as the apple of His eyes and would never let any evil come near
Like an earthly father, your
Heavenly Father only wants you to recognize, acknowledge and respect His
position as your one and only true God, your Creator, Saviour and Provider; and
wants you to reverence Him with holy fear by heeding to His instructions by
faith. "Whatever takes the place of God in your life; is your ‘god’ and
God is not pleased with you!"
God’s jealousy is holy and patient; He
is also long-suffering, but not forever-suffering. He is always slow to anger
but He sure gets angry when He cannot bear it anymore, just like any natural
jealous lover. “It is better to experience the love in God’s jealousy than to
suffer the wrath of God’s jealousy!”
The Word says "...And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength...",
and that we are told is the greatest commandment; reaffirming the reality of
God’s jealousy. He does not just want you, He wants all of you. Whatever is
taking you farther away from your love for God is drawing you closer to the
anger of His jealousy. He does not want to be your number one; He wants to be
your only one. He does not want to be one of your options; He wants to be your
only option. He is not most relevant when most needed; He is always the most
relevant and always the most needed. Until He means everything to you, He is
not your means of getting anything. Give Him all of you and you will have all
from Him.
You either give Him first place in
your life, or He is taking no place at all; that is the jealousy of God!
Nice Day Friends!
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