Thoughts for Today - "Words!"
Words and the freedom of expression remains one of God's greatest gifts to man, yet, it is also one of the most destructive...The tongue remains one of the smallest parts of the human body, yet the most powerful; strong enough to build or destroy lives and to make or break the destinies of both individuals and even nations...
In God's 6-days work of the creation of the earth and also the making of man, He demonstrated the inestimable ability of spoken words...Man being created in God's image and likeness also inherited the ability to create and control life's events with words; therefore, the work of creation never really ended with God, but man was given the privilege to continue in that work using his God-given brain and intelligence; which has partly led to most of the discoveries and inventions we see all around us today...
The effect of spoken words as insignificant as they may appear, have been responsible for shaping, directing and affecting positively or negatively, the lives of many, and even generations after them; not forgetting the fact that most curses of life are often set off by literally spoken words and one can not dispute the reality of the outcome of curses often transferred from one generation to another, if not properly broken...
Words may seem harmless most times, but yet just a word spoken at the wrong time or in the wrong place or in the wrong way, could set off an unexpected altercation that could turn an initially serene atmosphere to a scenario typical of a war-zone; consequently, yet with no weapons of war, indelible marks are left on lives, which may take forever to be repaired or maybe never..."The hands of time may heal even the worst bullet wounds, but may never heal the wounds of a few words!"
The wisest man is not necessarily he that listens to or speaks the most or fewest words, but he that listens to and feels his own words before he speaks them; He would rather say few words most times and be right all the time, than say many words all the time and be wrong most times...
As a believer, always remember that your words are not powerless and careless words are not to be said; the Word says "...out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks..."; Words are born out of the thoughts that have filled the heart..."Words are simply over-grown thoughts nurtured in the confines of the heart but being too big to remain there, the tongue decided to lend a helping hand!"...Just like a bad seed cannot bring forth good fruits, wrong thoughts cannot bring forth right words! An insane man is not one who has lost his mind, but one who has lost control over his mind; consequently, his thoughts, his words and his life goes out of his control...Everyone usually have few moments of madness once in a while, and at such times, this saying could be of help "when angry, count to ten before you speak", because once spoken, the memory of those words can never be erased...
Your tongue is not the control valve of your words, your heart is; your tongue listens to your heart and only speaks what it heard!...Untamed words are simply the results of untamed thoughts...The first step to begin speaking right is to begin the practice of thinking right; and filtering the contents of your heart is the first step in cultivating the right thoughts...
Where you will be tomorrow, where someone will be tomorrow or where your country will be tomorrow, could begin from a word you said today; you may not be able to take back the bad words of yesterday, but you can take charge of the words of today and tomorrow and keep them good!...Your tongue is the path-finder, use it wisely!
Fill your heart with God's words, not the world's words, and your thoughts, words, deeds and ultimately your whole life will be controlled by God's Spirit!
I hope we are encouraged today!Pls share this with someone you care about!
Nice day friends!
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