Spirited Word - "Sunday is Not God's Day!"

Sunday is not God's day, Everyday is God's day...
The fact dat a car is not taken to its mechanic everday does not imply dat d mechanic has becom useless to d car owner, neither does it imply dat d mechanic has lost his value in d society...
Your spirit is d source of sustainance for your body and God is d only doctor of d human spirit...Many look rich and flourishing physically on d outside, yet spiritually on d inside, they are poor and malnourished; becos they spend d most time feeding and nourishing their bodies than their spirits, so they end up being directed only by d dictates of their bodies or worst of all some becom 'worshippers' of their flesh unknowingly, becos d spirit has becom as good as dead...
We do not go to church becos it is sunday but we go to reenergize our spirits by the Word of God and thereby, drive our bodies to do only d will of God 'every other day'...
Christianity is not a religion, it is a life-style dat mirrors the life of Christ; It is a walk built on d foundation of Faith...
Therefore, appearing before Him, without a prepared heart, ready to be serviced by Him, is first an excercise in ignorance, then, a waste of useful time...God does not bless everybody; It is what is in d heart dat determines what gets to d hand... Anytime you come before Him and go without Him, den you came wit a prepared 'body', an unprepared 'heart' and left with an empty 'spirit'...
Its always a matter of choice and u can choose to do it right! Church is not a gathering of religious people but a gathering of d sons/daughters of God...
Remember! being in d wrong place at d wrong time or doing d wrong thing in d wrong place, can attract d wrong consequences...

Go with understanding!

Nice Day Friends!  

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