Thoughts for Today - "Right or Wrong?"
By What and by Whose standards u define them is only a function of What or Who u allow direct your life's decisions. Many are directed by d world system, some by d popular opinion, some flow towards wherever d wind of life blows them, yet only a few are controlled by d dictates of God their maker...
Who leads U? d World or d Word? Do u know u wer never created to please urself but to please ur creator...Adam did not sin becos he ate d apple, he ate d apple becos he sinned; his sin did not begin wit d apple, but wit compromise; He sinned when he chose to do his own will over d will of Him dat made him and fell short of God's standard...
U are created as God's self-operating machine and He gave U His Word as ur self-operating manual; though He gave u d gift of free-will to drive urself, pressing d wrong button will definitely cause a malfunction sooner or later...
Sin is much more beyond moral values or religious views; sin is setting standards for ur life based on anything else except God's Word...He said: "Too him dat knows what is right and he refuses to do it; to him it is sin". His standards can not be altered or embellished for self-interest... True Wisdom means doing wat is right simply because it is right and not becos of any material gain...
Selfishness is a character of d devil and dat is wat one emulates wen one places d most value on one's own will dan d Will of God; His commands are not grievous to anyone who understands dat their life is not their own and they have to account for it someday...
We are still alive 2day by God's Mercy n Grace not by our works; that Mercy and Grace is always available to anyone that 'wills' to live by His standards...
In dis last days, It is d righteous dat shall be delivered, not d self-righteous...
If it is not right, den it is definitely wrong, there are no explanatioins to it!
Have u been operating by ur manual?
I hope we are encouraged 2day. Pls share with someone, also read our previous days' thoughts here
Nice Day Pals!
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