Spirited Word - “Shameless Disgrace! Your Name or His Name?”

“…So they went out from the presence of the council (Sanhedrin), rejoicing that they were being counted worthy [dignified by the indignity] to suffer shame and be exposed to disgrace for [the sake of] His name. Yet [in spite of the threats] they never ceased for a single day, both in the temple area and at home, to teach and to proclaim the good news (Gospel) of Jesus [as] the Christ (the Messiah)…” Acts 5:41-42 (AMP)…
The early apostles of Christ went through many persecutions in their time just as Jesus had told them they would before His ascension to heaven; most of them ended up as martyrs for the sake of Christ… We will recall that the apostles were initially fearful and discouraged when their Master was arrested and put to death, and most of them scattered and deserted Him while some denied Him… But after the coming of the promised Holy Spirit and their endowment with His power, the same apostles spoke courageously and preached the gospel with all boldness notwithstanding the dangerous threats to their lives…
Though they were not spared from the threats, accusations and tortures of the Pharisees and Sadducees who were also enemies of Jesus while He was with them on earth; they never ceased to continue preaching in the name of Jesus… As the above scripture indicates; they could not but bear witness of the One whom they both lived with and believed in notwithstanding the sufferings they had to pass through; denying their faith was never a considerable or reasonable option though they were disgraced, afflicted, stoned, flogged and imprisoned unjustly many times… The new boldness with which they acted by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit was a marvel to everyone including their very enemies because they knew them earlier as weak, unlearned and fearful men…
The apostles were so consumed by their faith and the gospel that they considered it a great privilege worthy of appreciation to God to be chosen to suffer and endure shame, disgrace, and dishonor for the sake of God’s Son Jesus Christ and His gospel… At that point, by the understanding imparted on them by the Holy Spirit, the words which Jesus spoke to them earlier became more real to them; as He had told them: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his [own] father and mother [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God] and [likewise] his wife and children and brothers and sisters--[yes] and even his own life also--he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not persevere and carry his own cross and come after (follow) Me cannot be My disciple.” Luk. 14:26-27 (AMP)   “Then they will hand you over to suffer affliction and tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake.” Matt. 24:9 (AMP)…  
The hating or loosing of one’s own life for the sake of being a true disciple of Christ does not necessarily imply mourning over one’s own life or physical death, but rather entails a total loss of one’s self-will and complete surrender to God’s will, and also the willingness and readiness to lose one’s self-reputation in the eyes of men for the sake of gaining God’s approval… It’s the ability to bear the temporal pains of the loss of all worldly gains, pleasures and one’s self-pride in order to remain right standing with God… It means the ability to remain resilient even if one loses one’s name and fame in the sight of mere men for the purpose of the gospel of Christ… The price of being a true disciple in its totality entails the disregarding of one’s self life in order to live for Christ Jesus in truth…
You cannot seek to spare your own name from some shame naturally and still be able to proclaim the name of Christ effectively… If your reputation matters to you more than Christ’s name means to you, you cannot be an effective disciple of His… At one point or another in our Christian walk, we will encounter situations and temptations that would spell shame and disgrace to the natural man, but for us it is a shameless disgrace and a graceful shame, because by the Holy Spirit, we can boldly say like Paul… “What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” Phil. 3:8 (NIV)… “…For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth…” Rom. 1:16 (KJV)…
It is your name or His name… Only one can be saved and protected at a time; you cannot spare one without losing the other; you cannot be most conscious of one and not relegate the other; and you cannot keep both, because the self-life is always in direct opposition to the Christ-life… Whatever earthly gain is lost for Christ’s name sake is for a more eternal gain in the life after; therefore it is not considered a loss because one has a more profitable gain with Christ in eternity…
Jesus said: “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” Luk. 9:26 (NIV)…
If you must stand for Jesus and the truths of His Words, then be rest assured that your name and self-reputation must be put on the line and you will have to often times choose between saving yours and saving His… But also be rest assured that He will stand for your name there in heaven when you stand for His name here on earth…
To God be the glory, He has not left us without a Helper… His Holy Spirit is in us to guide and strengthen us in this race, therefore have no fear to stand and declare boldly that which you believe and are persuaded of… Stand for Jesus!

Nice Day Friends!

Spirited Word - “The True Sins of Sodom & God’s Righteous Judgment!”

 “…But the men of Sodom were wicked and exceedingly great sinners against the Lord…” Gen. 13:13 (AMP) “ … And the Lord said, Because the shriek [of the sins] of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is exceedingly grievous, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether [as vilely and wickedly] as is the cry of it which has come to Me; and if not, I will know…”Gen. 18:20-21 (AMP)  “…Then the Lord rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of the heavens…” Gen. 19:24 (AMP)…
Sodom and Gomorrah were cities in the time of old, which God destroyed completely by fire because of their sins and wickedness against God… The cities were also particularly noted for the sin of homosexuality and all sorts of immorality; therefore, the names of the cities are often associated with a place known for reckless sexual immorality, depravity, promiscuity and moral corruption…
Be that as it may, we have to take cognizance of the fact that those cities were not that way from its inception neither was it God’s initial plan to destroy them, as we notice that Abraham made intercession on their behalf before God though unsuccessful, because there were not enough righteous people in the lands to spare them from God’s wrath and destruction… However, the sins of Sodom definitely had a root and a beginning and it definitely did not turn into a land full of widespread wickedness overnight; their sins only aggravated in the process of time and not without an underlying cause…
It is also worthy to note that Sodom was a very prosperous land which prompted Lot choosing it as his place of residence; and we also know that a good and prosperous land is a blessing from God and God would often not let a wicked people dwell in such land rather He would give it to His own people, though not without giving the rebellious inhabitants of the land enough time and chances to repent…
The true root of the sins of Sodom is revealed in God’s Word through Ezekiel the Prophet speaking about Israel’s sin of Idolatry which God considered worse than Sodom’s sins and which God likened to adultery and harlotry against Him their One and only true God… The Word says in Ezek. 16:48-50 (AMP) “…As I live, says the Lord God, Sodom your sister has not done, she nor her daughters, as you have done, you and your daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: pride, overabundance of food, prosperous ease, and idleness were hers and her daughters'; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abominable offenses before Me; therefore I removed them when I saw it and I saw fit…”…
The above scripture clearly states the true sins of Sodom in God’s eyes… We discover that pride is named first as their worst sin while their abominable sins (homosexuality and others) were named last… We also discover that the same prosperity and abundance which was God’s blessing to them turned out to become more than a curse which lead to their destruction; therefore that which was supposed to be named as a blessing (prosperity without stress and more than enough food) was rather called a sin by God; all for one ultimate reason: the pride of life!...
Pride; the same sin that turned the Angel Lucifer to Satan the Devil is of a truth a grievous sin in God’s eyes because as we know, the Most High God is a Jealous God who never shares His glory with any man or any other of His creations… We can infer, that the people of Sodom at some point in time became overly proud of themselves and of their rich land without acknowledging God as the provider of all the good things they possessed, therefore they deserted and forgot God, enjoying all His gifts but disregarding the Giver, keeping God’s glory to themselves, doing only that which pleased themselves; consequently giving in to their own insatiable lusts which led to all forms of wickedness, and ultimately incurring God’s anger against them…
The truth remains; that any place where God is not acknowledged and His Words not heeded to; rebellion and all sorts of wickedness will surely thrive and will keep increasing with time… As long as Satan remains the god of this world system, the natural order and tendency is that evil and wickedness will be on the rise, in any place where God’s order is being rejected… It is not unexpected or unusual for things to keep going wrong and getting worse when man is fully in control of all his decisions without recognition for God’s view on a matter… God’s mercy keeps prevailing and His anger and judgment is delayed often because of His own righteous people present in a rebelling land or nation; as it was with Sodom and Gomorrah which would have been spared if only there were enough righteous people in the land…
God may have considered humbling the people of Sodom with famine and hunger, or saving their children or sparing the good land and destroying only the wicked people in it; but the magnitude of their evils must have gotten deep into the very sands and its stench very thick in the atmosphere of the land beyond that which their future generations could have been able to undo… God never wiped them out together with their land and all in it because He enjoyed destroying His own creations, but rather because they remained unrepentant and if left to exist, they would probably end up corrupting more lands and their peoples with their wickedness, just as Lot, Abraham’s good relation was already getting corrupted; and God would rather wipe them out than allow that happen…
In essence, Sodom & Gomorrah’s homosexuality was not their major sin against God, rather their pride and rejection of God was… All the immorality and wickedness prevalent in the land was only as a result of their long-term rebellion against God’s orders… As God’s Word clearly states in Rom. 1:28-30 (NLT) “…When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents.”…
Also notice that idleness was also listed as one of their sins; they were probably too prosperous to have to work much, and as its said ‘an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop’, so they likely had more than enough time to seek and satisfy their selfish lusts… They were also said to have shown no mercy or love towards the poor and needy in the other lands, pointing to the same sin of pride, not recognizing that they were only blessed to be a blessing to others not as blessed as they were… They prided themselves in themselves rather than in God; and most certainly, the hearts of the poor and needy kept crying out to God, even in their silence, yet Sodom & Gomorrah had more than enough to meet their needs…
God’s Word says: “…Everyone proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting, hateful, and exceedingly offensive to the Lord; be assured [I pledge it] they will not go unpunished…” Prov. 16:5 (AMP) “…God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favor to the humble…" Jam. 4:6 (NLT) “…Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall...” Prov. 16:18 (NLT)… 
Yes! God’s blessing could become a curse to the blessed, if one does not use it as God instructed… Beware of pride! Beware of the rejection of God’s order! The destructive root of pride could spring up bearing all manners of evil fruits of wickedness, if one’s ways are not constantly kept in check to be in accordance with God’s Word… Beware! Never forget to always acknowledge God in all things and in all situations… Be watchful and always ask His grace and strength by His Spirit, to always overcome the Enemy’s greatest temptation of the pride of life… And in Christ Jesus, you are an Overcomer!

Nice Day Friends!

Spirited Word - “The Worship of Satan!”

Satan is known to be God’s arch-enemy and also the enemy of every true Christian who is a dedicated disciple/follower of Christ and a propagator of His gospel… It is also known that this evil spirit being now called Satan or the Devil was not originally created that way by God, but was originally Lucifer, a uniquely and specially created Angel of God carrying out God’s assignment given to him; until he allowed pride into his heart and he wanted to exalt himself to take God’s position, to be like and to be worshiped like God, and to receive all the glory and praises God receives, of which he was consequently thrown down to earth together with his rebelling angels...
As God’s Word says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” Isa. 14:12-15 (KJV)

We discover that Satan’s greatest desire is to be worshiped and to be given glory, just as God’s desire is… And just as God desires His due glory and praises from the man He created, His Enemy strives by all possible means to make sure God’s purpose is not achieved but rather to deceive man into giving to him that which is actually meant for God… Though He never succeeded in overthrowing God in heaven, he had succeeded in craftily overthrowing man on the Earth, stripping man of his true position and place as the god of the world, when Adam fell… However, God’s plan of the salvation of mankind through Christ’s work on the cross was to restore man to that true position and to restore to him all that he had lost; though the Enemy remained resilient in his quest to hinder and obstruct all of God’s plans for the Earth and humanity…
We also find that the Enemy had devised different means and forms of deception to ensure he is being worshiped at least on the Earth were he has some influence to an extent; and to this end he ensures that many who do worship him do not know it, because though they do not have to bow down physically to him or worship at his temple, he ensures that they never do anything that brings glory to God’s name but rather making sure they have enough resources in diverse forms to directly satisfy their hearts desires, but indirectly helping him accomplish his own purpose of drawing men away from God and God’s kingdom and bringing them to Satan’s kingdom…
 The truth remains that they are more who worship Satan indirectly and do not know they do, than they are who worship Satan and know they do… Also, it is important to note that one is either on God’s side, directly pursuing and helping in the accomplishment of God’s purpose on the earth, or one is on the Enemy’s side, directly or often times indirectly aiding the fulfillment of Satan’s plans… And on whose side one truly is defines whom one is truly worshiping…
We most likely know what direct satanic worship entails; such as evil cults, societies, diabolic religious practices and the likes… But it doesn’t really end with those… It’s rather distressing to find that even a seemingly well-meaning believer who is unaware of the Enemy’s devises, may fall victim of being his indirect worshiper because Satan had disguised the mode of worship into a seemingly harmless and innocent act which may even feel useful and advantageous to satisfying one’s present need…
The question now might be; how does one worship Satan indirectly?
The three temptations of Christ (Matt. 4:1-11) present a good starting point… We discover that Satan’s main aim apart from thwarting God’s salvation plan through the Second Adam, was that he was after Christ’s worship which was meant for only God His Father; and though they were three initial temptations, all three had same ultimate aim; to get Jesus to worship him by doing His own will rather than God’s will, just as it was with the First Adam…
Jesus defeated Satan in the first temptation to turn stones to bread; yet today, many turn their stones into bread at the Satan’s instruction indirectly, often without knowing it… Many would not mind utilizing any opportunity that presents itself in obtaining a material or physical gain because it felt legitimate and harmful to no one and desperately needed too, even though it is not in full accordance with God’s Word or His instruction and therefore would not bring glory to God’s name…
Jesus also defeated the Enemy in the second, even though Satan added a little more skill in his deceit by supporting his temptation with God’s Word… Just as God’s Word can be made to mean whatever one wills as a good excuse for disobedience… We find that behind any of such acts is the very subtle Enemy giving the instruction and providing the inspiration...
The Enemy’s third temptation presented clearly his main target the whole time: to be worshipped by Christ even though it meant giving over to Him all the kingdoms of the earth with all its wealth as long as God’s worship is ascribed to Satan and God’s mission fails… Same reason why the Enemy is never bothered about taking or attacking any one’s material possessions, he would rather provide more, as long as one worships him with all the wealth and one is under his control and his plans are progressing… The Enemy does not mind if one is as comfortable as can be in life, having all the wealth and material things necessary to enjoy life, as long as one is uses it to help him disrupt God’s plans and accomplish his own purpose…
And to this day, the Enemy’s main aim remains the same; he still desires worship and glory from man whether directly or indirectly; though this time his main target is all of God’s children in Christ Jesus on earth, as all unbelievers both rich and poor are already on his side actively promoting his cause knowingly or unknowingly…
We must recognize that Satan has an established world-system (a way of life, reasoning, actions & reactions) on the earth which is under his control including as many as have chosen to live by his system; just as God has an established superior system provided in His Word for as many as have chosen to be part of God’s Family on the earth…
One may not necessarily need to bow to a satanic Idol, pray in Satan’s name or be initiated into some satanic cult to be known as a practitioner of Satanism; but actively aiding Satan’s cause of pulling more people away from the knowledge of God to Satan’s path of rebellion against God, by any means, not withstanding how legal or lawful the acts may seem, as long as it’s not in alignment with God’s system but with the world system which Satan is head over, it neither brings glory to the name of God nor what God stands for, and therefore cannot be said to be an act of worship to God…
The Word says: “…Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey…” Rom. 6:16 (KJV)
Obedience to God means allegiance to Him as one’s Master and Lord in reverence and worship by living and working according to His system as stated in His Word; while living by the world system means yielding oneself as a servant to its god and master Satan… We will become more cautious when we view every act of rebellion against God’s set order as equally an act of worship for Satan, and when we view every action inhibiting God’s perfect plan as equally an action in favour of Satan’s destructive cause…
Worship is beyond just words; it’s a pattern of life, it’s a system of living, and only God deserves all our worship… In all your dealings in life, live worshiping God consciously and you will not live worshiping Satan unconsciously!

Nice Day Friends!

Spirited Word - “The True Worshiper!”

“But the time is coming--it has, in fact, come--when what you're called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter. It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself--Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration." John 4:23-24 (MSG)

Worship is defined as treating somebody or something as divine and show respect by engaging in acts of prayer and devotion… Every believer, follower or disciple of a particular religion is seen as a worshiper of a deity… However, a Christian worships God in adherence to the beliefs and injunctions stated in the Holy Bible which is God’s sovereign Word of Truth…

The worship of God can take different forms and meanings depending on one’s perspective or point of view… But as the scripture above reveals; God is a spirit being and can only be worshiped rightly and acceptably in the spirit… Though worship would necessarily involve a bodily expression and also the use of the soul or mind of the worshiper; it can only be said to be true worship when it comes from the spirit, deep-seated in the heart of the worshiper…

However, for the true worshiper; worship is much more beyond just a periodic act, but a continuous lifestyle… Not just a kind of song, but a way of life... Our daily lives and the choices we make go a long way to tell if we are true worshipers… Giving God the first place of consideration and priority in our daily decision-making and actions means we truly reverence Him… One may not necessarily sing a song, pray all the time, attend Church meetings always or carry around a Bible always, to be identified as a true worshiper; rather it is reflected more in our daily activities, when even in the face of imminent danger or loss of some personal/material gain or the pains of persecution and isolation, one refuses to succumb to the temptation of doing that which is displeasing to God nor to disregard God’s order concerning the matter in question…

The true worshiper has God’s view in the first place of consideration and does not have personal material benefits as a priority in making daily choices and decisions in life; he may not have to say it or sing it, but his choices and decisions in his daily life will definitely bear witness to the fact… The true worshiper’s worship is never dependent on his present location or the prevailing situation; he does not stop worshiping because he has left the place of worship or does he cease to worship because he is facing a dire challenge in life… Pleasing God remains topmost on his priority list, notwithstanding who has to be displeased…

Worshiping God is not just something we do; it is something we were created to do... He fashioned and formed us to show forth His glory and praise, and He designed us to fit into that ultimate purpose... True worship is seen more in the life we live, than in the song we sing...  The Word says: "...This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise..." Isa. 43:21… Showing forth God’s praise and glorifying Him in whatsoever we do wherever we find ourselves is the mind state of a true worshiper….

Prayers of thanksgiving and adoration, songs of praise and songs of worship to God all characterize the true worshiper’s way of life, but beyond that, all his life and all his time is offered up continuously as a sacrifice to God, dedicated to bringing glory to God and His name in all of life’s activities, whether it be a spiritual, circular or social… To worship God is to acknowledge, reverence, glorify and adore Him with holy fear and awe, everyday, everywhere and every time, in our thoughts, words and deeds, and living our lives daily with a full consciousness of His presence, bringing Him pleasure as He created us to… Every time you make a right and godly choice in life, it is an act of worship to God and an expression of your love for Him… Be a true worshiper!

 “So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” Rom. 12:1-2 (MSG) 

Nice Day Friends!