Spirited Word - “The Worship of Satan!”

Satan is known to be God’s arch-enemy and also the enemy of every true Christian who is a dedicated disciple/follower of Christ and a propagator of His gospel… It is also known that this evil spirit being now called Satan or the Devil was not originally created that way by God, but was originally Lucifer, a uniquely and specially created Angel of God carrying out God’s assignment given to him; until he allowed pride into his heart and he wanted to exalt himself to take God’s position, to be like and to be worshiped like God, and to receive all the glory and praises God receives, of which he was consequently thrown down to earth together with his rebelling angels...
As God’s Word says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” Isa. 14:12-15 (KJV)

We discover that Satan’s greatest desire is to be worshiped and to be given glory, just as God’s desire is… And just as God desires His due glory and praises from the man He created, His Enemy strives by all possible means to make sure God’s purpose is not achieved but rather to deceive man into giving to him that which is actually meant for God… Though He never succeeded in overthrowing God in heaven, he had succeeded in craftily overthrowing man on the Earth, stripping man of his true position and place as the god of the world, when Adam fell… However, God’s plan of the salvation of mankind through Christ’s work on the cross was to restore man to that true position and to restore to him all that he had lost; though the Enemy remained resilient in his quest to hinder and obstruct all of God’s plans for the Earth and humanity…
We also find that the Enemy had devised different means and forms of deception to ensure he is being worshiped at least on the Earth were he has some influence to an extent; and to this end he ensures that many who do worship him do not know it, because though they do not have to bow down physically to him or worship at his temple, he ensures that they never do anything that brings glory to God’s name but rather making sure they have enough resources in diverse forms to directly satisfy their hearts desires, but indirectly helping him accomplish his own purpose of drawing men away from God and God’s kingdom and bringing them to Satan’s kingdom…
 The truth remains that they are more who worship Satan indirectly and do not know they do, than they are who worship Satan and know they do… Also, it is important to note that one is either on God’s side, directly pursuing and helping in the accomplishment of God’s purpose on the earth, or one is on the Enemy’s side, directly or often times indirectly aiding the fulfillment of Satan’s plans… And on whose side one truly is defines whom one is truly worshiping…
We most likely know what direct satanic worship entails; such as evil cults, societies, diabolic religious practices and the likes… But it doesn’t really end with those… It’s rather distressing to find that even a seemingly well-meaning believer who is unaware of the Enemy’s devises, may fall victim of being his indirect worshiper because Satan had disguised the mode of worship into a seemingly harmless and innocent act which may even feel useful and advantageous to satisfying one’s present need…
The question now might be; how does one worship Satan indirectly?
The three temptations of Christ (Matt. 4:1-11) present a good starting point… We discover that Satan’s main aim apart from thwarting God’s salvation plan through the Second Adam, was that he was after Christ’s worship which was meant for only God His Father; and though they were three initial temptations, all three had same ultimate aim; to get Jesus to worship him by doing His own will rather than God’s will, just as it was with the First Adam…
Jesus defeated Satan in the first temptation to turn stones to bread; yet today, many turn their stones into bread at the Satan’s instruction indirectly, often without knowing it… Many would not mind utilizing any opportunity that presents itself in obtaining a material or physical gain because it felt legitimate and harmful to no one and desperately needed too, even though it is not in full accordance with God’s Word or His instruction and therefore would not bring glory to God’s name…
Jesus also defeated the Enemy in the second, even though Satan added a little more skill in his deceit by supporting his temptation with God’s Word… Just as God’s Word can be made to mean whatever one wills as a good excuse for disobedience… We find that behind any of such acts is the very subtle Enemy giving the instruction and providing the inspiration...
The Enemy’s third temptation presented clearly his main target the whole time: to be worshipped by Christ even though it meant giving over to Him all the kingdoms of the earth with all its wealth as long as God’s worship is ascribed to Satan and God’s mission fails… Same reason why the Enemy is never bothered about taking or attacking any one’s material possessions, he would rather provide more, as long as one worships him with all the wealth and one is under his control and his plans are progressing… The Enemy does not mind if one is as comfortable as can be in life, having all the wealth and material things necessary to enjoy life, as long as one is uses it to help him disrupt God’s plans and accomplish his own purpose…
And to this day, the Enemy’s main aim remains the same; he still desires worship and glory from man whether directly or indirectly; though this time his main target is all of God’s children in Christ Jesus on earth, as all unbelievers both rich and poor are already on his side actively promoting his cause knowingly or unknowingly…
We must recognize that Satan has an established world-system (a way of life, reasoning, actions & reactions) on the earth which is under his control including as many as have chosen to live by his system; just as God has an established superior system provided in His Word for as many as have chosen to be part of God’s Family on the earth…
One may not necessarily need to bow to a satanic Idol, pray in Satan’s name or be initiated into some satanic cult to be known as a practitioner of Satanism; but actively aiding Satan’s cause of pulling more people away from the knowledge of God to Satan’s path of rebellion against God, by any means, not withstanding how legal or lawful the acts may seem, as long as it’s not in alignment with God’s system but with the world system which Satan is head over, it neither brings glory to the name of God nor what God stands for, and therefore cannot be said to be an act of worship to God…
The Word says: “…Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey…” Rom. 6:16 (KJV)
Obedience to God means allegiance to Him as one’s Master and Lord in reverence and worship by living and working according to His system as stated in His Word; while living by the world system means yielding oneself as a servant to its god and master Satan… We will become more cautious when we view every act of rebellion against God’s set order as equally an act of worship for Satan, and when we view every action inhibiting God’s perfect plan as equally an action in favour of Satan’s destructive cause…
Worship is beyond just words; it’s a pattern of life, it’s a system of living, and only God deserves all our worship… In all your dealings in life, live worshiping God consciously and you will not live worshiping Satan unconsciously!

Nice Day Friends!

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