Spirited Word - "Rich or Poor?"

It is often believed, that the richest man is one who has everything that makes life comfortable while the poorest man is one who has everything that makes life miserable. It is also believed that, a rich man's wealth is his power, respect and security while a poor man's poverty is his greatest undoing; as he is voiceless, powerless and maybe his future too, colourless!

But is the true measure of riches and wealth determined by material possessions only?
Definitely not! A wise man once said: "True riches is not just the presence of cash but the absence of a poverty mentality while real poverty is not just the absence of cash but the presence of a poverty mentality", and that is the truth of life! Poverty often times, is not a financial problem, but a mental problem. Poverty is a disease of the mind of a man who lacks understanding, just as wealth can become the undoing of a man who lacks wisdom. "Real poverty is not the lack of money but the lack of the knowledge of the real use of money!" The cure to poverty is not acquiring more money; the cure to poverty is acquiring the right knowledge! "A suicide mission is when you give a man more money than he really knows how to use!" Yes! Poverty kills, and so also does the prosperity of a fool, it kills faster! The Word says; “The love of money is the root of all evil” The fear of poverty is often the root of the love of money. Money was never meant to be loved, but to be used. Just like a man who loves God, fears Him and serves Him; a man who loves money, fears poverty and consequently becomes a servant of money! The Word says; “No one can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and money.” Notice here that the quest for money and wealth is the major competitor with God for a man’s heart; not really the Devil; because giving a place to the Devil and doing his evil works becomes easier when a man loves money more than he loves God.

A truly wise man understands that riches and wealth is vanity and vain glory is deceptive; therefore being rich, he understands that there is nothing he has that was not given to him by God and being poor, he understands that there is nothing he does not have that cannot be given to him by God in His time. There are three ways to get wealth: one can either struggle and work extremely hard for it, or use the Devil's way to get it, or one can trust in God and wait on Him for it.
Truth is; a man is not blessed of God because he is rich; as it is definitely not every wealth that is from God; it might have been gotten using some other means as well. God often gives wealth and riches to a man to enable him fulfill God’s purpose for his life; just like a tool to be used and dropped after the work is done; same reason why wealth means nothing after a man is dead; neither will his wealth on earth be recognized in heaven or hell.
God’s kind of wealth is characterized by peace without anxieties or worries. Just as the Word says; “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” God never gives riches to a man and then takes away his peace; only the enemy does such.  
Also; If giving you a million dollars overnight will cost God your love for Him and cost you your life; He would rather let you live on a dollar per day; to save your life and maintain His first place position in your life.
His Word says;
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Wealth is only one of the additions to God’s blessing; it is not the real blessing. God can make you prosper! As His Word says; “…it is the LORD your God who gives you power to become rich…”, but He needs you to remove your focus from only the things you can get from Him and refocus on doing only those things which are pleasing to Him!
The richest man before men can be the poorest man before God; therefore, a wise man strives first to be rich before God, knowing that God created and owns the earth and everything in it, and He has the power to take down a man and bring up another. Therefore, only a man lacking understanding would trust in the uncertainties of wealth and riches!

There are Four (4) categories of people:

1. The Richly Rich: a man who is blessed of God and has acquired wealth the right way; yet he understands that his wealth cannot save him in the days of adversity and knows that his wealth and its security is only from God, so he is a liberal and cheerful giver and also a passionate God-pleaser, even if he were to lose all he has overnight.

2. The Richly Poor: a man who has nothing else but money and wealth; his love for money makes him believe money is everything and his future is safe with it; he will do anything to secure it; his trust is in money; yet he may believe in a God he will hardly please or serve in truth and spirit; and he only gives because he has more than enough, to be praised or to oppress others. Every time to him is money-making time and every venture to him must be a money-making adventure.

3. The Poorly Rich: he understands that money is not everything but only a servant; and that wealth is vanity. He is actively working, having a vision of a greater tomorrow with an understanding of his purpose, God's promises, and trusting only in God to make it; he knows prosperity is a gift from God and that he is blessed to be a blessing. He also knows that his future is secured as long as he lives pleasing to God; and yet he shares out of what he has; and his spirit, soul and body are all at rest.

4. The Poorly Poor: he has a poverty mentality, living a vision-less life, he lacks understanding of his purpose and God's Word; he believes that money and wealth is everything and he will do anything to get it; he will rather take from others than to share with anyone; yet he keeps blaming everybody for his predicament; and to him, every rich man is most likely wicked or a criminal. He believes life is cruel and unfair, and maybe God is also partial in giving wealth and riches.

Which category do you sincerely belong?

Nice Day Friends!  

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