Spirited Word - “Is This Love?”

Amongst its numerous definitions and different meanings to different people; Love is basically a feeling of affection towards a person or thing, of which its expression must be visible, if it must make real sense. However, the often challenge may be, how to differentiate true or real love from untrue or unreal love. Humans are created as emotional beings with the ability to both want to feel loved and also to show love; and as probably known already, the four-letter word is definitely the most misunderstood and most misinterpreted word in the English language; which has given rise to the classification of love into different types. But, notwithstanding the kind or type of love that is being talked about; every love is basically determined by its expression; who is giving it and who is taking it. The most recognized and acceptable means of showing or expressing love, is in giving one thing or another; therefore we can say “Living is about loving and loving is about giving!” and “Every genuine lover is also a genuine giver!”.
The question is; since every lover is also a giver; Is the real measure of love determined by the giving? Does the quantity or quality of the gift define true love? And, Does he who give the most actually love the most?
In reality, the test of true love is much more beyond what was given but why what was given was given! Truth is; “Beyond the expressions, Love is about the intentions!” and the real intentions may not be recognized when the common and temporary 'feeling' of love is allowed to overshadow its real 'meaning'.
A man who gave millions to help a community or a man who spends virtually all his money on some woman or even a father who would give anything for the education of his children;  are all expressing love definitely; but actually, all those could just be initial investments towards a greater future gain materially or emotionally; he may be seeking for votes to win an election in government, the other may be taking care of his future wife and the other may just be making sure his children are well-equipped to take care of him when he is old; all those being good reasons; but if the target eventually ends up not achieved, after the much investment; what would the 'feeling' be like? Regret and emptiness or peace and calmness? That is when the conditionality and selfishness or the non-conditionality and selflessness of the love, could be told!
Now it's clear that love based on just 'feelings' cannot always be trusted, and an unconditional love based on a strong 'decision' to keep loving with or without the achievement of the future gain expected, is actually safer. Same reason the Word encourages us to always walk in love with all, at all times; because tomorrow’s safety is in that.
It's said that “Life is give and take!”, that being partly true; but looking from God’s view, “Life is give and give!”. God's kind of love gives to give again, not for the gain of what will be received back, even though a return is expected.
However, Giving to man or even giving to God just by the motivation of the greater expected return and not by true love for man or God, is 'not' giving in love; it is giving in 'investment'!
Yes! Beyond saying it, Love is about showing it, and beyond the expressions, Love is about the intentions!
God's Love remains the perfect example; the Word says “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life…”. Truth is; God's love is ‘not’ the greatest just because He gave His only Son (whom He still raised back to life; and we've also seen a lover die for another, a mother die for her child or a soldier die for his country); they are all expressing love (though none of those can save the whole sinful humanity); but it's not just really about the weight of God's gift, even though Christ is His only Son; but it's about His true and real intention for the giving and His behavior after the giving.
Again! “For God so loved…He gave…that whosoever…will have…”; it was not about what He would get in return, but what He would give even more; and till today, God is still giving, His enduring mercies still prevails even with all of man's wickedness and disobedience; His wish is still to save all, if possible. He has given His Son as a sacrifice to save all mankind, yet He is still giving His mercies, grace and favour to as many as believe in His Son Jesus and accept Him willingly into their lives; He will not only forgive, but will also forget and never remember their mistakes of the past anymore; because they've been made righteous before God through their believe in the shed blood of His Son on the cross and then He also empowers them to live a holy life like Christ did. Such a completely unconditional love, yet not forceful but rather warm and gentle, healing every hurting heart and producing such joy and peace that no man/woman can ever give, not of temporary satisfaction or the kind that changes with mood or season, but lasting beyond this present life to the life after, in eternity! God is the best lover ever known; no one else can teach it or show it better!
The Word says, 'God is Love'; therefore, “Love is not what God does, but who God is!” No one can know or show true love without knowing the true God, no matter how 'nice' they may seem. A man/woman without God is a man/woman you can live without; because life without God (Love) is a life of emptiness, void of its true essence; if he/she does not truly love God (Love), he/she cannot truly love you! If he/she loves you enough to do whatever it takes to make sure he/she finds you in heaven with him/her someday, then he/she truly loves you! True love doesn't just care about your body and life here on earth, but also cares about the state of your soul and spirit both in this life and in the life after.
If you've been looking for true love outside God, then you've been looking in the wrong place; and if you believe you've found true love outside God, then know you've only found the kind of love that does not last, which easily fades away when the storms of life hits and which has no promising future, no matter how smooth and nice the ride feels. Knowing the real meaning of Love begins with knowing God (Love). If you have found God, then you have found your perfect and best lover; the rest can only try but can never be like Him, because they never gave what He gave for your salvation and they can never give more than what He keeps giving you every day; the kind of joy, peace and hope he gives cannot be found anywhere else.
There’s only one way to find true love: God; and there’s only one way through to God: Jesus! He is in a hurry to give you all the love you've ever desired, only if you ask Him to; He is watching, and He is listening!  You can always do without someone you want, but you can hardly do without someone you need. Jesus is ‘not’ someone you want; Jesus is someone you need! He needs you too; only say these simple words from your heart: “Jesus Christ, I believe in you and I need you; I know you died and rose again for my salvation, forgive me my sins, I need your true love and I ask you to take my heart from today!”; He will come running to you and through His Spirit, give you all the strength you need to help you live for Him and meet Him in heaven someday. You may not be here tomorrow; the right time is 'Now!'
Remember!  "True love is not defined just by the expression, but by the true intention of the lover!"

Nice day friends!

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