“…The blood
you have smeared on your doorposts will serve as a sign. When I see the blood,
I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the
land of Egypt…” Exo. 12:13 (NLT)
The children
of Israel, God’s people of old, were spared from the death that took away all the
first born sons and first born male animals in the land of Egypt because God
instructed them to apply the blood of a spotless and unblemished lamb on their
door posts as a sign to mark out their houses from the destruction coming upon
the land… We do know that the ordinance of animal sacrifices for diverse
purposes used in the time of old was majorly because of the significance of the
blood of the animal that is being shed, acknowledging the fact that in the
spirit realm, it is an established principle that the shedding of blood is
always a requirement for the atonement of sins or for the appeasement of a
The use of
animals for sacrifices was surely a temporary measure instituted by God in
order for man to be able to have any dealings with Him, though He had an
eternal plan of salvation to be executed by His only Son Jesus at His appointed
time… The blood of animals never provided a means for the total remission of
man’s sins neither was it able to deal permanently with sin and man’s sin
nature; rather it only served as a temporary covering for the sins of men… As
the Word clearly states: “…But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again
made of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of
goats should take away sins…” Heb. 10:3-4 (KJV)
The shedding
of the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross in the work of salvation as the
one-time sacrifice for all sins was the consummation of the significances of
all the old practices of animal sacrifice and pattern of worshiping God; as
the Word says: “…Such [things] are only the shadow of things that are to come,
and they have only a symbolic value. But the reality (the substance, the solid
fact of what is foreshadowed, the body of it) belongs to Christ.” Colo. 2:17
(AMP)… While the old covenants between God and men were enacted and sealed by
the blood of animals; the new and better covenant established by Christ Jesus
was enacted and enforced with His own blood and also marked the end of the
offerings of animal sacrifices to appease the Almighty God…
However, the true
significance and real objective of the blood, of the animal in old times and of
Christ in the new covenant, remains the same: for the atonement of sins; to
have a right standing with God, appearing righteous in His sight; to be
qualified to stand or come before His presence; to be saved from destruction;
and to qualified to receive God’s blessings and promises… Though in the Old, continuous
animal sacrifices was required; but in the New, only one thing is required:
Faith in Christ Jesus, God’s once and for all and always acceptable sacrifice
which He finds satisfactory at all times… The Word says: “…For God sent Jesus to take the punishment
for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God
when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us…” Rom.
3:25 (NLT) “…But now you belong to Christ Jesus. Though you once were far away
from God, now you have been brought near to him because of the blood of Christ...”
Eph. 2:13 (NLT)
The blood of
Jesus did not only take away our sins thereby delivering us from God’s anger
and judgment, but it also destroyed the power of the sin nature of the fallen
man to enable man both to have fellowship with God and to do God’s will… Though
Jesus’ blood was shed for our sakes; His blood was not first for us, but for
God, because the blood had to be first valuable and satisfactory for God before
it could be useful for us… While we needed His blood to be qualified for God’s salvation,
God needed His blood to be satisfied for our salvation; it is first God’s
satisfaction before our qualification… Surely, salvation is not free, because
Jesus paid the acceptable price with His blood; and as long as God sees our
faith in His Son and sees that blood He shed, His wrathful judgments passes
over us and we remain qualified to stand before His presence, as that blood
though was shed once, keeps speaking peace, mercy and forgiveness for us before
the throne of God through Jesus Christ the mediator of the new covenant, our
Saviour and our Advocate with the heavenly Father…
It is equally
important to note that eternal salvation and righteousness was never obtainable
by the works of man no matter how good they were, because good-works was not good
enough a price to pay for salvation; but salvation is received and righteousness
is imputed as a gift from God as a result of one’s faith in Christ Jesus who
paid the price… In this new covenant, the works done are done out of
righteousness and not for righteousness; these works of faith are not done to
obtain righteousness, but are done out of the righteousness which one has
already attained by faith in Christ; and though the works are necessary to
retain or maintain one’s salvation; they could neither produce nor guarantee
eternal salvation…
The blood of
Jesus remains the only means by which salvation could be realized and the
ultimate reason why God would count anyone as righteous in His sight, why
anyone could be qualified to receive His forgiveness, receive answers to
prayers, obtain His blessings and promises or even make it to heaven… In
reality, whatever good-works one does is for one’s own good and not for God’s
good because acknowledging the truth that God is all-sufficient, omnipotent and
He created the earth and all in it; at the end, the rewards go to the doer…
The blood of
Jesus offers to God all the satisfaction He ever needs to have a relationship
with man, to provide the needs of man and to answer his prayers; therefore
trying to satisfy God by any other means or deeds would often amount to a good
but yet unsatisfactory effort before Him or an effort to pay with a cheaper
cost for what has already been paid for with an invaluable cost… As much as God
recognizes the shed blood of Christ as His only satisfaction in relating with
man, we must also recognize that and therefore do all good-works out of our
faith in God, our love for God and our love for others, to receive the
accompanying rewards; but not with a selfish intention or heart-motive of using
the works done as a predicate to demand compulsory answers and rewards from God
or to appear righteous in His sight…
By the blood, we
receive salvation… By the blood, we are made righteous before God… By the
blood, we can stand before His presence… By the blood, we can approach His
throne of mercy… By the blood, we can pray and He answers us… By the blood, we
can escape His anger and judgment… By the blood, we can make heaven… That blood
is still as effective and potent as ever; ever fresh and ever in God’s sight as
the day it was shed… That blood is not to be abused, it is of inestimable cost
and value, and is the matchless price that was paid for what you needed the
most, and that has paid for everything else you will ever need from God as long
as you live on the earth (your healing, deliverance, prosperity & long-life
inclusive)… Put your faith in place and
keep doing the works of faith, in obedience and trust in God … The blood of
Jesus Christ speaks for you!
“When I See
The Blood… I Am Satisfied!” So says the LORD!
Nice Day
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