Spirited Word - "THE LORD’S PRAYER!"


“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name…”
We have a heavenly Father who cares and loves us, with whom we commune in prayer…
But what qualifies a true father? He guides, He provides and He decides…He gives instructions, He gives corrections and He gives provisions…
A true son bears not just his father’s name, but also his nature and character; he also has free access to his inheritance…
“…A son honoureth his father…if then I be a father, where is mine honour?”
The proofs of true honour include; Obedience, Trust, Fear and Reverence!
“God is Father of all, but God is not Father to all!” Many sons may have an intermittent and distant relationship with Him, but true sons have an intimate and constant relationship with Him…
The choice of making Him a Father to you is yours and yours alone! True sons are not identified by words alone, but by their actions; they are not those who only talk the talk of their father, but those who walk the walk and work the work of their father…
“How much of your free inheritance you get from Him is determined by how much of a Father you have made Him to you!”   “A wise son maketh a glad father…”   “The Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom…”
A true son would rather please his father and displease everyone else than displease his father and receive praises from everyone else!
Do you follow when He guides? Are you content when He provides? Do you adhere when He decides?
Do you heed His instructions? Do you endure His corrections? Do you appreciate His provisions?
Do you bring honour or dishonour to His name by your thoughts, words and deeds?
He is a loving and merciful father! He would never disown or reject any, even those gone astray; He would rather re-own and re-accept all who retrace their steps and return to His ways…
If you have made Him your Father, then you can boldly pray; “MY FATHER…”

“…Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven…”
In this last days; the establishment of God’s kingdom (His reign, dominion and sovereignty) in all the affairs of mankind on the earth, is the ultimate task of all His children; to enable the fulfillment of His will in the earth as He has predetermined it even before the earth and man were created…
“Though God is the author of all creation, the manifestation of His perfect will on the earth will always require man’s participation and cooperation!”
Promoting God’s cause involves agreeing with Him and cooperating with Him in all aspects of your life’s decisions and actions…
 “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Before the earth was formed, God had a will for the earth; Before you were born, God had a will for your life…The discovery of this will begins with agreeing with Him, by seeking the establishment of His kingdom on the earth, because He made and created all for His own glory…
If you are always after God’s righteousness (His right and acceptable ways of doing things) and after the kind of peace and joy that only He can give (which is beyond human understanding and beyond material possessions); then you are in support that His kingdom should come, and His will shall surely be done both in your life and in the earth, and every other thing shall also be added to you; then you can pray; “…Thy kingdom come…”
“Don’t always seek God’s favour, rather always seek God’s kingdom, because His favour is always focused on those who always favour His cause!”

“Give us this day our daily bread…”
Each new day is both a blessing and a gift from God; It is sign of a new hope and another chance to make right yesterday’s wrongs; God is both the giver of life and the provider of all the good things of life…
“…Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? …for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things…”
Why worry, when we have a Father who not only knows our needs, but is also always willing to give to us when we ask of Him…Trusting in God alone to provide all our daily needs is our proof of faith and obedience to His Words…
“…He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?...”
God deals with His children one day at a time, but many would rather want to get everything at a time; mostly born out of anxiety, envy, covetousness, insatiability and unhealthy competitions…
“God does not waste time; He only takes time, to prepare your blessings for you and to prepare you for your blessings!”
The race of life is an individual race, you are not in competition with anyone except yourself, because in the end, you alone will give account of your own life; Don’t be distracted by someone else’s race, stay on your own track and focus on your own prize!
There is a work for everyday, and there is a blessing for every work; and the amount of blessing is measured by the amount of faithfulness in each day’s work…
“If God gave you your life, then He is also able to provide all you need to live your life for Him!”
One day at a time, trust Him to supply all your needs; and every time of the day, never forget that He is all you need!... Then you can pray; “Give me this day my daily bread…”

“…And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors…”
God expressed His great love towards mankind, when He gave up His only Son to die for the sins of all, so that everyone who believes will obtain the forgiveness and remission of all their sins through the shed blood of His sinless Son, Jesus…
Till this day, God’s love and forgiveness is still in full expression, and every day, He gladly accepts everyone who repents and turns to His way; notwithstanding the gravity or the weight of their past sins… “True Love is a character of God and true forgiveness is a character of true love!”
Having forgiven and still forgiving our sins and offenses, knowing we are but flesh having a fallible nature prone to disobedience and selfish desires; He is yet forbearing in His wrath and long suffering in dealing with us according to our lusts and imperfections…
“…If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?...”
So also, He wants us to express same love to others as He shows to us, in forgiving others of their shortcomings and offenses against us, notwithstanding the amount of pains they cause us; such spirit of forgiveness is only attainable through God’s Spirit at work in a person, as naturally it may be impossible…
“…For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you…”
Unforgiveness as insignificant as it may seem, is as grievous as any other sin and could pose even the most harm because its effects are great, yet it is deceptive enough to remain undetected or unrecognized as the root cause…
“Unforgiveness is both a depressive and destructive burden, not to the offender, but to the carrier!”
When that weight is not willingly turned over to God, His abilities remain limited, because a barrier has been created, and the carrier only grows wearier carrying on without God’s help; depression and rejection sets in, prayers remain unanswered and blessings remain inaccessible; all locked up in the cage and bondage of unforgiveness…
Actually! “The offender stands in a safer place than the offended, if the consequences of the offense and the consequences of never forgiving the offender are to be compared!”
The offender may only suffer for his offense which may serve him right; but the offended may suffer not only from the short and long-term effects of the offense, but may also suffer from the greater effects of a refusal to forgive the offender…Anger, Hatred, Resentment and Bitterness are some of the bad best friends of unforgiveness; Revenge, Retaliation, and Vengeance may only serve as temporary pain suppressants that may set the later pains even worse than the former!
Living a life of pre-offence forgiveness should be the safest; but not possible without the help of God’s Holy Spirit who alone could give that ability…You can always let go and let God! Then you can pray “Forgive me…as I forgive…”

Nice day friends!

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