Spirited Word - "The 'god' Called Money!"

Money is not evil, money is good; but money becomes evil when money becomes a 'god'!...Wealth and riches are part of God's plan for His children; but that is not the most important blessing He wants to give them...God's primary aim is not to make you comfortable while you are on earth, but to make you conformable to the image of His Son and get you fully prepared for your place in eternity...
Money answereth all things; but that ends on earth; Money answereth nothing in heaven, neither is its possession a requirement to make it there...Therefore, the most important work God wants to do in a believer's life is not material prosperity but spiritual prosperity, by building into them, the nature of His Son Jesus and thereby making them live like Christ, having sufficiency in all things here on earth and even much more in heaven...
"The 'love' of money is the root of all evil, and the fear of poverty is the root of the love of money!"...A man who fears poverty more than he fears God cannot be a servant of God, but a servant of the god called money...Money has definitely become a 'god' in our generation, being served by many without knowing it...The rich can not get enough of it, because they believe the security of their future depends on it while the poor will do anything to have it, because they believe they are voiceless 'on earth' without it...
A wise man once said "A poor man is he who has nothing else but money" and another said "The prosperity of a fool will destroy him"; and those are the truths of life!
Where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be...When a man's decisions are ultimately influenced by how much material gain is involved...When his choice of what is right or wrong is predetermined by what or who pays the highest...When what is for or against the will of God for him is measured by the size of material possessions to be acquired...When every time for him is money-making time and every venture to him is a money-raking adventure...When the quest for wealth always takes first place in his life and what pleases God takes no place...That, is a man wrapped in the claws of the 'god' called money; like an evil spirit, he is possessed by it and he may not know it...
The Word says, "...you cannot serve God and mammon..."...The devil is 'not' really the major competitor with God for a man's heart, rather, money and the quest for the vanity of wealth and riches are; because doing the works of the devil becomes easy when the 'god' called money is in control...Money may answer everything, but money is definitely not everything; ask that rich man in hell who can not buy his life back...
God's 'only' aim for blessing a believer materially is not for the believer's comfort but to fulfill His purpose on earth through the life of the believer and  bring glory to His name alone; He would rather not give what would become a replacement for Him in one's life..."If making you comfortable now will cost God your love and cost you your life, then thank God for leaving you uncomfortable for now!"; till you have learnt and fully understood that absolutely nothing should take His place in your life...
"If the day you stop being needy is the day you will stop needing God, then God would rather let you remain needy!"...Prosperity is not meant to be a replacement for God but a tool for the announcement of His love!
Money is good, but never make it your god!

Nice Day Friends!  

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