Spirited Word - “Survival Instinct!”

Every human being is naturally born with an inherent and innate strong will to stay alive and to attain success in life, which is seen in the ability of humans to do just about anything it takes to achieve self-preservation and self-sustenance... The human instinct to survive is known to be our most powerful drive, because even though its effects on our lives can be seen physically, it works in our subconscious to determine our decisions and actions often times even without prior or initial consideration or reasoning on the matter in question. It often affects how we think, what emotions we experience, and the ways we behave and interact with others…
Our reaction of fight or flight in response to a given situation is triggered when we (and also all animals) perceive the situation as a threat to our existence. For instance, the survival instinct of a soldier in a battle field pushes him to fight his enemies putting in his best efforts to save his own life even if it means taking the life of others. Also, situations such as hunger, pain, fear, distress, worry, loneliness, anxiety, frustration, depression, anger, guilt, and so on can also trigger swift and sudden emotional or physical reactions in response to the natural human instinct for survival…
Different people react differently to their survival instincts, based mainly on their mind states, belief systems, values, trainings, amongst others… However, in the context of true Christianity, one is expected not only to a times completely disregard the tendency for self-preservation, but also to sometimes do the direct opposite of what one would have done, if one were to follow the dictates of one’s natural survival instinct… But such ability is never attainable by natural efforts or means, hence the need for new birth, being born again and being filled and led by God’s Holy Spirit, Who is our Helper in the Christian life-style…
Jesus Christ our ultimate and perfect example being fully human and sinless, would never have accomplished the work of salvation by the death on across if He had let His survival instinct get in the way; just as no one would love to die especially for doing nothing wrong… He had this to say: “…He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal…” John 12:25 “…If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple…” Luk. 14:26-27
From the above, we can deduce that one’s love for one’s own self or one’s love for any loved one can hinder one from being an effective follower of Christ; because the call to Christianity is not a call to self-preservation, but a call to self-crucifixion, and that sacrifice can go as far as displeasing one’s own self and even everyone else so as to please God or to endure a period of pains and persecutions, all for the sake of Christ and the cause of the gospel, even when the natural feeling may be rather uncomfortable or unbearable for a while… Therefore, the Christ-like life becomes a struggle when one is still alive to one’s natural survival instinct… Same reason Paul the Apostle said, “I die daily…” He was definitely not speaking of a physical death, but a death of his survival instinct which He consciously achieves by putting his body/flesh and his self-will under submission to the will of God by the help of the Holy Spirit… 
Also, Christ’s disciples who fled for the safety of their lives when He was arrested simply did what any natural human would have done at the time, to ensure life-preservation; but many of them later preached the gospel with boldness even in the face of danger and became self-sacrificing martyrs who died for what they believed, after the Holy Spirit came upon them and their survival instinct died… Same applies to every true believer; the death of one’s survival instinct is a daily task which can only be carried out successfully by the empowerment and constant infilling of the Holy Spirit and by maintaining a consistent fellowship/relationship with God in prayer and in continuous study of God’s Word…
Without the help of God’s Holy Spirit, one would keep giving a natural response to the natural human survival instinct, when faced with situations such as the fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of tomorrow, loneliness, frustration, guilt, and so on; which often leads to a non-productive and non-effectual Christian life … If one must gain Christ, then one must be willing to lose self with all its entanglements… If one must fulfill God’s will, then one must be willing to repress self-will; and until one is ready to die to self and all its selfish lusts and wants, then one is not ready to live for Christ… The safety of tomorrow is not guaranteed by worries or anxiety, or by proper planning and saving; the safety of tomorrow and the assurance of eternity with Christ is only guaranteed by living and doing the will of God each and every day with the help of the Holy Spirit…
“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you…” Matt. 6:31-33

Nice Day Friends! 

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