Spirited Word - “In Whose Name?”

 “…For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them…” Matt. 18:20 
The presence of God is always accompanied by the power and glory of God. Therefore, the power of God cannot be present where the presence of God is absent; and the manifestation of His power to heal, set free and deliver is the only tangible proof of the reality of His presence in a place.
When believers gather together in fellowship on Sundays usually, or any other day, it is often believed that they are gathered before God’s presence; and while many erroneously believe God’s days is only on Sundays, others also wrongly believe that God is only present in the Church so they end up living their lives every other day not conscious of God’s presence which they are suppose to carry every day, everywhere, and every time.
It is quite important however, to recognize and understand that what defines a Church is not just the kind of building, the presence of a preacher or the gathering of religious people; but rather, it is defined by whose name the gathering is in. Jesus Christ remains the sole foundation and ultimate purpose of Christianity, and He is the bedrock of all its beliefs and principles. Therefore, when believers gather in the name of Jesus Christ, His presence is confirmed by the release of the power in that name by the Holy Spirit, which leads to diverse forms of manifestations of that power.
As the above scripture infers; what mainly determines if God will be present in a gathering or not, is not the number of people that are gathered or the kind of place they are gathered in, but rather in whose name they are truly gathered. And this is only a matter of the states of the hearts of the people gathering. It is very possible to be gathered in a Church building, but yet not gathered in the name of Jesus Christ; His presence is never attracted by the building but by the hearts seeking Him in truth. It is also possible for a Church gathering to be called together, not in the name of Jesus Christ, but in the name of the famous Preacher; then we find many unknowingly, going only to seek the vessel (man) God is using than going to seek the Potter (God) Himself. Truth is, if a man goes up to present himself or someone else in a gathering that was meant to present Jesus Christ to the people, then Jesus has no reason being there; therefore, though the Preacher’s message may be touching and inspiring, it never goes beyond touching the souls of many but their spirits are not affected, and so it effects only a temporal change in their lives. No one would normally enjoy hosting an occasion where His presence is hardly recognized or acknowledged, neither does God. Jesus would rather be in a place where He is always celebrated, than in a place where He is hardly invited.
“…For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him…” 2Chron. 16:9
It is always a matter of the heart. When you set out to seek God, it does not matter the place or time, He will reach out to you. God’s ultimate aim for using men is not to turn them into gods to other men but to turn the hearts of other men to God. The main focus should never be on the man God is using but on the God using the man. No matter the place, if one goes only to see or seek a man, then one is not in that gathering in the name of Jesus Christ but in the name of the man; and it may be ridiculous expecting to receive from God when one’s heart is set towards a man. God is more concerned about the connection of the hearts of the people gathered, than in the location or population of the people. God’s power is never limited by the number of people or the kind of place, but by the state of the hearts. God’s power is never present where His presence is absent and God’s presence should not be expected where a gathering is not in His name. A gathering in His name is led and guided by His Word and by His Holy Spirit, therefore in such, only His will matters and not the will of any man...
If your heart is set fixed on Jesus Christ and you are out to seek Him alone, with faith in His ability; you are sure of His presence, notwithstanding the time or place; only go to Him in His name!

Nice Day Friends!

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